How do I make an exchange or return?Updated 3 months ago
You did not like the product, or do you want to try a different size or style? We've got you covered. Go to your account: Find the order that you'd like to return and start the return process. After approval, once we receive your order back, we will ship the new items or issue a refund.
We accept returns within 30 days. All products must be returned with original packing and in original condition. The return or exchange shipment must have a tracking number as proof. We are not liable for returns lost in transit.
By purchasing a custom product, you agreed that Airportag created an exclusive product based on the information entered, and there was no layout proof for approval. The data is printed exactly as typed; we do not check the accuracy of the information. Please note that all custom products are FINAL SALE, not eligible for return.
Please, do not use the address on the package. Wait for your request to be approved. You will find the return address in the confirmation email to send back the items.
After receiving the item back, store credit or a refund with the original shipping fee deducted will be issued.
If you exchange for a different product, an additional shipping fee may be applied.
To start your Return or Exchange process, click here.